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CATIA V6 is a 3D CAD software developed by Dassault Systèmes. One of the main differences between CATIA V5 and CATIA V6 is their architecture. CATIA V5 is based on a client-server architecture, while CATIA V6 uses a cloud-based 3DExperience Platform architecture. CATIA V6 has its own proprietary file format called 3DXML. 3DXML is a 3D data format created in 2005 by Dassault Systèmes. It contains meshes, textures, lighting effects, and other 3D object properties, making it an ideal format for 3D visualizations. 3DXML files are stored in a zip container which can contain XML data and proprietary data. The extension for 3DXML files is .3Dxml. This file format is used by CATIA V6 to store and share 3D models and designs.

In summary, 3D XML is a 3D data format created by Dassault Systèmes. The extension of 3DXML files is .3Dxml

CAD Interop distributes several softwares to visualize, translate and compare 3DXML files. Find below the list of our solutions compatible with Catia V6 3DXML:


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