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Interoperability is a key issue for computer-aided design (CAD) professionals. The glTF (GL Transmission Format) file format is a practical solution for exchanging 3D models between different CAD software.

Developed by the Khronos Group, glTF is a royalty-free file format aimed at facilitating the transmission of 3D models between different applications. It is a compact and fast-loading format that uses the .gltf file extension for ASCII/JSON files and .glb for binary files.

The glTF file format is capable of handling different types of data, including geometry, appearance, scene hierarchy, and animation. Developers have described glTF as the "JPEG of 3D" due to its efficiency and ability to minimize file size and processing time.

In addition, glTF is compatible with file extensions to extend its functionality. Physically Based Rendering (PBR) extensions enable the modeling of the physical properties of real-world objects, allowing developers to create realistic 3D assets that match the real-world materials of objects.

The universal texture compression format KTX 2.0 allows for highly efficient compression of 3D models using supported native texture formats, reducing file size and accelerating rendering. Finally, glTF mesh compression through the Draco extension enables significant reduction in 3D file size by compressing vertex attributes, normals, colors, and texture coordinates.

CAD Interop distributes several software solutions for preparing, visualizing, and converting glTF files. Please find below the list of our solutions compatible with the glTF format.


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