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As the digital revolution continues to shape the modern world, the importance of preparing CAD models for simulation cannot be overstated. One standout solution in this realm is 3DViewStation, which shines brightly in its capacity for PMI geometry visualization and analyze. The following delves into how ASML, a giant in the semiconductor industry, leverages cutting-edge tools like3DViewStation for optimizing their Model-Based Definition (MBD) initiatives.

ASML: Pioneering the Future of Chip Manufacturing with PMI

ASML, an epitome of innovation in the semiconductor domain, provides chipmakers with a blend of avant-garde hardware, dynamic software, and unrivaled services. This trio plays a pivotal role in crafting intricate designs on silicon, a testament to the marvel of lithography. ASML's contributions extend to every facet of semiconductor technology we unknowingly use daily. With a rich history of collaborating with over 4,750 suppliers globally, ASML once heavily relied on 2D technical data packages (TDP). However, the dawn of the MBD initiative introduced a transformative approach, replacing 2D PDFs with enriched JT attachments, encapsulating Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) within 3D models.

Model-Based Definition: The New Norm

The modern manufacturing landscape has undergone a seismic shift, largely due to the adoption of MBD. At its core, Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) is changing the game. Traditional practices necessitated separate drawings to convey crucial details, but 3D PMI integrates these details directly into the CAD model. This centralization ensures both geometric and non-geometric information finds a home within the native CAD file. The result? A consolidated design process, enhanced accuracy, and an assurance of comprehensive manufacturing documentation.

3DViewStation: A Catalyst for ASML's MBD/PMI Strategy

In a compelling video, Helmar Kraus, Supplier Quality Engineer at ASML, offers insights into the 3DViewStation, an essential tool underpinning ASML's MBD/PMI strategy.

Insights from the Video

  • Introduction : Kraus commenced by highlighting ASML's journey from 2D to 3D PMI in CAD models, emphasizing the value of comprehensive documentation and the viewer's role in PMI interpretation.
  • Viewer Selection Journey : Kraus navigated the intricacies of viewer selection, initially opting for JT2Go before recognizing the need for a more comprehensive JT viewer. The evaluation culminated in three top recommendations: Siemens PLM JT2Go, Teamcenter Visualization, and 3DViewStation.
  • 3DViewStation Unveiled : Delving into the capabilities of 3DViewStation, Kraus highlighted its compatibility with various CAD formats and efficiency in handling complex PMI files.
  • Foundational Viewing Capabilities : Kraus showcased the foundational functionalities of 3DViewStation, emphasizing the associativity between PMI annotations and features crucial for subsequent applications.
  • Advanced PMI Navigation : The video elucidates 3DViewStation's robust capabilities in PMI navigation, leveraging filters and search functions.
  • Enriching CAD Models Kraus illuminated the versatility of 3DViewStation in embedding annotations and measurements, underscoring the significance of custom profiles for efficiency.
  • Illustration & Printing Mastery : Detailing the illustration mode, Kraus revealed techniques for creating black and white views, shedding light on the fluidity between various viewing modes.
  • Documenting & Collaborating : The video elucidates the processes of saving and exporting views, enhancing collaboration through various export formats, including PDF and 3DViewStation files.
  • Closing Remarks : In his conclusion, Kraus reiterated the myriad benefits of 3DViewStation, championing its adoption for superior PMI collaboration.

Concluding, 3DViewStation stands out as a pivotal tool, bridging the gap between CAD models and simulation, ensuring seamless, efficient, and precise operations in semiconductor manufacturing. Helmar Kraus's testimony reinforces its indispensable role in the industry, steering stakeholders toward heightened collaboration and operational excellence.